Fast links to Paddington...ahem
This week, I am mostly selling my home in order to move a bit closer to London, since all of my work is there, and evil FGW are ruining my life by making my commute unbearable.
The particulars of my flat are now on the internet, and include the following line, which made me splutter into my tea: "Pangbourne Station is a short walk away giving fast links to London Paddington". Ah. Hmm. I was asked to approve the details, and did so, but not without feeling a twinge of guilt. I hope that whoever buys my flat is someone who only commutes as far as Reading, as I wouldn't wish on anyone the travelling experiences I've had since last December. Still, it is a lovely place to live, and I wish I could stay, but I can't live like this, and I hold First Great Western partly responsible for my decision to move. Has anyone else given up the fight and actually moved house, partly because they can't trust the train to get them to work on time? It's a sad and sorry state of affairs. Maybe a new badge is required: "FGW is ruining my life!". Bit dramatic perhaps.
I am constantly trying to get my fiance to agree to move closer to my work in Cardiff, but she likes living in Bath because she works there.
Can't say fairer than that.
Also, it rains a lot in Cardiff. I was there for a year, and my raincoat was my most useful item of clothing. I can't disagree with your fiance. Bath is well worth a bit of commuting to and from, as it's a lovely place.
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