FGW "a disgrace" and "appalling"
Boris Johnson has joined the MPs speaking out against First Great Western. And he did so in his own inimitable style, by testing the journey to London from his constituency in Henley-on-Thames for himself. Follow the link above to read the full story from the Henley Standard.
I also quote this morning's Metro, which has the following report:
"The worst train service in the South-East when it comes to reliability is First Great Western, according to a transport watchdog. Punctuality and reliability on FGW's major commuter routes out of Paddington and in the Thames Valley were described by London TravelWatch as appalling in its latest Performance Monitoring Report. It comes as FirstGroup, which runs FGW and First Capital Connect, is on course to make a profit of £91 million from its rail division. Brian Cooke, chairman of the watchdog, said: 'Although showing a slight upturn year-on-year, First Great Western's commuter lines are again at the bottom of the class.'"
I don't think I need to add anything to this. "I hate First Great Western" badge anyone?
I'm a disgruntled FGW commuter on the former Wessex services between Bath and Cardiff. Where can I get a badge?
Hi Billyo, thanks for visiting. The badge is currently in its final stages of design (ie: I'm nagging the designer to get it done instead of doing his proper designing work). I will be making an announcement on this blog as soon as it is ready, so please keep an eye on the site.
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