Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Hello all, and I hope you had a happy Easter. Apologies for the brief break in service, which I have spent up to my elbows in paint doing a bit of home improvement and enjoying a life without FGW. I hope not too many of you spent your Easter break stuck on trains, and that you were able to go out and do something less boring instead.

I have another apology to make (I'm beginning to sound like the automated lady at the station. "I'm sorry for the delay to this service"). I can't yet send out any of the badges to you, as I'm still waiting for the cards which will accompany them to arrive - they have been held up at the printers. Thanks to all those who've written to IhateFGW@yahoo.co.uk so far, to request a badge or several, and be assured that they will be on their way to you as soon as the cards arrive. If you have not yet requested a badge, please do so, and I will be sending them out very soon.

So, the sun has shown its face, and May approaches, with the promise of improved services for us poor put-upon commuters. So, what can we expect? I suspect that there won't be a return to pre-December 2006 timetables, because that would be FGW admitting that they were wrong to change them in the first place, but with any luck they've realised by now that we're all very fed up and in need of some improvements. If this means my lovely badges don't see the light of day then so be it.

But, being a cynical type, I'm pretty sure we'll all be wearing them long into the summer. Assuming I actually send them out in the first place of course, which I will, I promise! Let's see who delivers first, me with my I hate FGW badges, or the company with a decent service. I'm pretty confident this is a race I can win.

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