We wish you a Merry Christmas
I imagine most of you will be settling back this weekend and enjoying Christmas already, so in the spirit of the tradition of playing word games whilst slumped on the sofa after a massive roast lunch, I thought it would be fun to give you a few anagrams of "I Hate First Great Western" that I've been slaving over whilst at the office today.
Not really, the part about being at the office is true, but I found a brilliant anagram-making website, so here are the best five:
Reintegrate a Fresh Twist
Sweethearts a-Frittering
A Teenager Writes Thrifts
Thereafter is a Grits Newt
Twit Rehearses a Gift Tern
Very silly, but made me laugh. And if you'd like to have a go, visit http://www.angelfire.com/biz/WLAW/anagram.html
And here's the best one made out of the letters of my full name:
Red Jellies, Ooh a Nun!
Have a great Christmas everyone, and come back with your gripes and grumbles in the New Year. It'll be the blog's first birthday in January, so I'll have to think of something special to do to mark the anniversary.